Sunday, December 2, 2012


Day 7.
Today, following my friend's advice (thank you Joyce), I decided that Fartlek is the way to go with my "training". I charged my iPod, dug out the heart rate monitor and took to the streets for some run/jog/walking. Fartlek training as far as I can tell is all about switching up your speed for shorter intervals. I'm pretty sure it is used for speed training and used by people who are actually running, but I'll be one of them someday so I'm just going to say it applies to what I did today.

50 minutes, 550 calories.
50% jogging, 50% walking.
And since I wasn't worried about distance, I went off the beaten trail of my usual route and felt totally free.

My stride was sloppy and that of a struggler (yes, I know it's not a word).
I struggled.
I also saw a lot of other runners out there who weren't struggling, I smiled at them.
I did come across one other struggler along the way and I smiled at her too.
She didn't smile back. That's okay, it's hard to be a struggler.

Food was on point. I added ground flax to my breakfast. Did you know ground flax was supposed to be refrigerated? Me either until a few days ago. I saw it on FB and so it must be true.
Plus then I bought a new bag (to replace the one I had been keeping in the pantry) and sure enough "refridgerate me" was printed right on the bag. Just one more health food thing my husband will be thrilled to find taking up space in the old ice box.

I hope it's nice out tomorrow. Fartleks are much easier to do outside.


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